Since the change in gastrointestinal procedure guidelines in 2019, Medicare requires colonoscopy candidates to be screened by your gastroenterologist as to whether or not you may be eligible to have the procedure. Past personal and family history, government bowel screening results and bowel related symptoms are a few factors that will be taken into account upon consideration of colonoscopy. Depending on past procedure results, existing patients may be able to book in a procedure with the doctor without a prior consult. If you are developing a new onset or recurrence of symptoms, we do recommend scheduling an appointment to discuss the best treatment options. However, all new patients will require an initial consultation with the doctor before a colonoscopy may be scheduled.
Previous: Should I postpone my procedure?
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1st March
A large proportion of stomach and bowel problems can be diagnosed through Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy. However depending on the locality
4th July
We’ve all been told at one point or another that a healthy gut is responsible for lifting our
Patients with the following conditions should consider a colonoscopy; Rectal...
“After being a patient of Dr Engelman's for over ten years, I can say I have found one of the best doctors there is. He is thorough, proactive and consistently up to date. Always making me feel at ease, I would recommend Dr Engelman to anyone in need of a skilled and compassionate gastroenterologist.”
- Chris, Crohn's Patient