In keeping with the updated Medicare guidelines, tele-health consultations will be performed via Zoom, otherwise standard face to face consults are offered to all patients and will require a face mask during their visit. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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A large proportion of stomach and bowel problems can be diagnosed through Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy. However depending on the locality of the symptoms, and ERCP or EUS may be performed to establish a diagnosis if the endoscopy or colonoscopy is indeterminate.


Similar to endoscopy, an ERCP can be performed if the problem may be related to the liver, gallbladder or pancreas with the use of an endoscope plus the addition of a dye that focuses on the organs on an X-ray. It’s a relatively quick procedure and requires a twilight anaesthetic and can highlight blockages of the bile and pancreatic ducts.  An EUS can assess cancerous or malignant tissue and gastrointestinal disease through the use of an endoscope and ultrasound images. An Endoscopic ultrasound will be passed down the oesophagus or inserted into the rectum, depending on where the symptoms originate from.


If you are unsure as to which procedure will best determine a diagnosis, speak to your healthcare professional to discuss your options, such as consulting a gastroenterologist. Visit for more information.


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The doctor will determine at the time of your consultation...

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Client Testimonial

“After being a patient of Dr Engelman's for over ten years, I can say I have found one of the best doctors there is. He is thorough, proactive and consistently up to date. Always making me feel at ease, I would recommend Dr Engelman to anyone in need of a skilled and compassionate gastroenterologist.”

- Chris, Crohn's Patient
